Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Potato Chip Dance

Thanks you Classic Lays - tonight the kids and I did the potato chip dance for mom.  No, there is no such thing as the potato chip dance...because there is no earthly way we can recreate it ever again!  But she ate her sandwich (grilled ham and cheese with LOTS of butter!) and all her chips and then asked for seconds of chips. 

Both kids got wide-eyed - because mom eats like a sickly bird these days - and I said "I KNOW!" so of course mom asked "what?" and I told her we were excited that she liked the chips and that if she ate them all I would be so happy I would do a potato chip dance.

She ate them all - and I think swiped a licked finger across the plate for all remaining crumbs! - and the kids were quick to point out that I had to do the potato chip dance.  So the Lays chip bag and I danced and the kids joined in and mom smiled - really smiled. 

Who doesn't love a Potato Chip Dance!?

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