Friday, January 31, 2014

Five Minute Friday - Hero

You never know what is going to resonate in any given day.  Last year, I took my kids to the Dollar Movie and we saw "Here Comes the Boom" - and I LOVED IT!  I laughed until I cried.  I also had to hide my eyes and theirs for some of the fight scenes, but it was worth it.  And for all the great messages about never giving up and everyone's ability to become great for the first time or again or still, the lines in the movie that stay with me are the exchanges where Kevin James talks about Henry Winkler being his HERO and Henry Winkler saying the Kevin James is his HERO.

I think there is a lot of that going on in my life right now.  I am constantly awed by others - their strength, their inner peace and beauty, their style, their knowledge, their kindness, their ability to swim at a pace that would hospitalize me!  All the while I am drowning in all I need to do to care for others.  And sometimes (like this morning) feeling a bit unappreciated.

Until I realize that I may not be a superhero, but I am an everyday hero.  I make lunches that feed children - with just the right balance of delish and healthy and budget-friendliness.  I make lunches for mom with just the right amount of flavor to satisfy dying taste buds, but not so much as to tick off the cardiologist!, enough fluid to keep her blood pressure up, but not so much that she spends the entire day in the bathroom, with enough calories to keep her weight up and enough conversation to make meals something she looks forward to instead of forgets about.  I get forms filled out and organized so children can participate in events, field trips, classes, try outs, competitions, I make appointments and drive and cook and clean and wash and dry and fold and hug and pray and reassure and pet (that's for my Sophie Beast) and straighten and praise and comfort and pray some more.  I write in my journal to remind myself of all the blessings I have been given so I always have the strength to pray and comfort and organize and clean and fold and pet....

I don't have a cape...although I'm thinking about making one!...but I am going to tie this perspective around my's way more fun to do all that needs done when you are doing it as someone's HERO.

This post is part of Lisa Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday, in response to the prompt “hero” I wrote for 5 minutes and published without editing, in 5 minute Friday tradition.

1 comment:

  1. Caring for everyone is no easy task. In the every day tasks that appear to be mundane there is much worth, much need. It's easy to forget how important we are. It's easy to forget your own self worth. However, each one of us is a vital part of the people's lives that we are apart of daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. We love, we care, we are heroes.
