Monday, January 27, 2014

3-Day Weekends

Who doesn't love a 3-Day Weekend?  My mom, that's who.  She doesn't love a 2-Day weekend.  She doesn't understand why the kids are home, why the routine is slightly off, why the tv shows are different.  She asks a LOT about what day it is during the weekend.  I am sure she is hoping that information will help her figure out why everything is different.

But she doesn't have those skills anymore.  I can see her brain "click" a little when she hears that it is Saturday or Sunday...although we keep Sunday at a minimum...we actually lie to mom on Saturday night and tell her that it's Friday night again and on Sunday, we avoid telling her the day if at all possible...Sundays upset mom and it's just not worth it to upset her.  I struggle with the deception, but I made the decision that it was more important for her to be comfortable than for me to be honest... I hope I am making the right choice.

Anyway, today the kids are off school and Patrick doesn't go to work until 3:00, so she is flustered.  She has her regular appointments today - her nurse and her home health aide, but she is pretty disturbed by all the people in the house.  She may complain daily about how "dead it is around here", but for all her complaining - she really doesn't like "lively"!

So 3-Day Weekends are a Catch 22 for me....I choose to celebrate the chance to be with my family an extra day, but I am sensitive and try to be understanding of what mom is going through.  I wish I didn't have to choose.  I wish this awful thing had never happened to mom.  I wish she could find a way to remember.  Or at least to trust me when she is frightened and asks a question. 

Bright side?!  We got to stay up late and watch a couple of tv shows we had been wanting to see and now they are watching a movie together in the living room with the fireplace going.  Mom is napping in the red room, already wondering aloud about lunch.  Guess I'd better get cooking....

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